Kickstart Your Health!
Fit For Life
Who: Individuals who are ready to make a change, but unsure where to start.
What: An 8-week course with 60-75 minute weekly sessions lead by Rebecca Nelson, DPT. Each session will include education on various topics, including healthy eating tips and barriers to exercise, followed by a group workout. Handouts and resources will be provided via email prior to each session, along with links to a new at-home workout video each week. You will set individualized goals with Rebecca prior to the first session.
When: Next start date TBD - coming fall, 2020.
Where: in the comfort of your own home! All you need is an open space, computer/iPad with good WiFi connection, small weights (can use water bottles!) or a resistance band.
Why: Because your health and well-being are the foundation for living life to the fullest! This course is the bridge between a desire to make a change and taking action to create that change—there’s no better time than now to stop thinking and start doing!
Cost: $250 for the entire course and resources, including 8 weekly virtual group sessions, weekly recipes, support throughout the course, and the option to join Workout Wednesdays
What a year 2020 has turned out to be! Many things have been out of our control over the last several months, and I’ll be the first to admit my exercise routine and eating habits have taken a hit. But, that doesn’t mean we have to wait for things to return to “normal” to start making positive lifestyle changes.
If you’ve been struggling to lose weight and find an exercise routine that works for you, you’re not alone and I want to help! Many of us struggle to stick with a plan to improve our health and fitness, which leads to lack of results and progress—oh yeah, and major frustration! To answer questions about nutrition and to help you jump start an exercise routine, I have created an 8-week class that will provide you with the tools and support you need to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
I have taught this course in person multiple times over the previous year, and am excited to now offer it virtually. The upcoming Fit for Life course will begin FALL 2020 (exact date TBD). Classes will be held via online Zoom meetings, and all course material will be emailed to you. Additionally, you will have the option to join “Workout Wednesday,” which is a group exercise class I have been leading the last month. Over the 8 week course, you will learn how to improve your fitness, change your eating habits, and stay motivated, even if you've had injuries or obstacles that have been standing in your way
Questions about Fit For Life? - Ask Rebecca